~ 3 min read

Author: Bence Miklósi – Festival Volunteer Center hellonext MediaCrew program coordinator

We are human. We love milestones, and we love attaching significance to dates, events, anniversaries, days, or anything that has emotional importance for us. The resetting of the calendar is one of the best opportunities to find such a milestone, as it is not only meaningful on a personal level but also serves as a foundation for the functioning of an entire society. The new year is a perfect opportunity for making resolutions, which can be motivating on an individual level. But when this is taken to the level of a group of friends for example, it becomes clear that staying motivated and with that keeping a resolution is easier. In addition to the importance of the new year, there’s the added incentive of multiple people having set the same goal. For instance, trying out volunteering.

According to New Year’s Resolutions Statistics and Trends 2024, 79% of people make health-related New Year’s resolutions. In this context, trying out volunteering can also be considered as a health-related resolution, as it offers numerous benefits, primarily for mental health. Helping others releases dopamine in the brain, which, in the long term, reduces stress levels, among other positive outcomes. Secondly, I have to mention physical health too. For example, volunteering activities like dog walking or assisting at concerts and festivals can easily add a few kilometers to your step count, contributing to your annual fitness goals.

For me, one of the most important aspects of volunteering is the community. Working together on tasks and solving problems can bring a team closer, while shared interests—such as music, in the case of the Festival Volunteer Centre—create opportunities for conversations, networking, and building connections. This kind of environment can quickly feel like home for anyone, even for those who are brave enough to come alone but are unsure how they’ll fit in or make friends. I can proudly say that the Festival Volunteer Center community is just like that. We have many returning volunteers, and many of them participate regularly because they’ve found a group here that embodies everything I’ve described above. This is especially true for our Hellonext programs, as the volunteers involved in these programs work together not just on one event but throughout an entire festival season.

And to end just how I started, with some figures: 35% of people use a journal or planner to keep track of their resolutions, while 30% use an app. If your New Year’s resolution is to try volunteering at the Festival Volunteer Centre, you won’t need either with us, as we’ll support you throughout your volunteer journey, from application to the end of the event.

We’ll make sure your resolution becomes a reality!